Blogging Challenge #Day25

Who Inspires You?
I would say as a fashion student I come across quite a lot of inspiration, which is mostly through research for my projects. It could be any kind of research whether it's a fashion designer, blogger, company, a person that I know or someone's individual success story. One person that defiantly inspires me is my mom, she's always been my role model in my life, she's always been there whenever I needed anything and her support is endless. As well as my mom my dad is defiantly an influence to me but there is always that special mother, daughter bond. As I've grown up I notice myself watching both of my parents manage and deal with many situations both good and bad, they're always guiding me and giving me advice which defiantly inspires me to make the right choices for myself and to learn from their experiences/advice. All my parents ever want for me in life is happiness, they would go above and beyond to make that happen...and I am so extremely grateful!!
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Other inspirations in my life are defiantly success story's of others. I think that inspiration comes in a mixture of forms, you could be inspired by anything but one thing that drives me to want success is knowing what other people have achieved. For example some fashion designers started at the bottom of the industry and after years of hard work they have become international companies with huge success...that's probably a crazy example because as I'm not looking for international success however starting at the bottom and working my way up to be successful is something that inspires me to want to work hard. I've always had that passion and drive to achieve my highest goals and some of that inspiration comes from wanting to prove to people, that have ever doubted me that I am able as well as wanting the best for myself. So hopefully that answers the question but generally my inspiration is from lots of the people around me, success stories and wanting to do myself proud.
Thanks again for reading!!
Bryony xx


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