Blogging Challenge #Day19
Your Day In 5 Photos!!
Here is today's quick over view, I had a nice chilled out day at home and attended a fabulous fashion/blogger event this evening. I started my day by finding this lovely quote which kept me inspired and happy for the rest of the day...
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I then enjoyed a nice walk with my little Dottie although she was kind of naught by running through the mud swamp at my park...not the best dog walking moments, as it takes at least half an hour to clean her when I get back home!! Anyway I then did a bit of blogging and college work before I did some driving and headed off to one of my local shopping centres for a blogging event.
And of course I went to Starbucks and had a Caramel Creme Frappuccino with whipped cream and Carmel sauce...Yummy!!
Before attending the blogging event I had time to do a bit of shopping, I visited Dorothy Perkings, Superdrug, Boots, Lush and New Look but only for a glance and in this photo above you can see me taking a selfie in the big Dorothy Perkings changing room mirrors...I mean why not take a selfie!!!
And lastly is a photo from the fashion/blogging event, these are some mannequins with new clothing from high-street shops, which are about to be launched for S/S15!! If I am correct the left mannequin is wearing Topshop as well as the middle mannequin and the male on the right is in River Island. I will be uploading a post in more detail tomorrow all about this event and the clothing that is soon to be released, so if your more about fashion make sure you stay tuned for tomorrows post!! I did come away from the event with an amazing goody bag but I unfortunaly was too shy to make any other blogging friends but I am also attending more upcoming events which will hopefully mean that I won't be so shy!! I hoped that you enjoyed this post and thanks so much for reading!!
Bryony x
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