Back To Blogging!

Where do I start? A year and three months ago my blog came to a halt. Moving away from home to start my three year journey at university completely took over! During my time away from writing I have learnt so much about myself and the creative direction I want to go in with my career. I have visited some amazing places, made so many memories, met and made friends with new people, as well as starting a new job and moving into a new place!  

My passion for blogging has never stopped, especially whilst studying Fashion Communication and Promotion. The time feels right again for me to once again be back on the blogging scene. Turning twenty has given me a burst of inspiration, I have so much more to say and share, which makes my blog the right place to channel all of this creativity.  I want to continue with the same content as before with fashion, beauty and lifestyle related posts. Previously my blog has been both a mixture of personal posts and professional ones, this time around I want to be more professional to bring the best content and to help me develop creatively. Each post will still have a personal reference to me otherwise that wouldn't be much fun!  Along with my blog, my social media is having a re-launch, Instagram: Bryonyroseblog, Twitter: Bryonyroseblog. I plan on writing and capturing events more often, however balancing my social, university and work life might be challenging but it's something I'm defiantly up for! Here's to starting my blog again in 2018!! Until my next post here are some images from the past year and everything I have been up too...
Fashion Research In London! [Left:Me Right: Lauren - Room Mate & Friend]

Autumn Fashion Photography Sessions

Visiting my best friend Taylor back home!

Making New Friends! [Left: Chloe, Right: Summer] Uni Gals & Work Pals! 

My Boyfriend Harry! [We celebrated our one year anniversary in 2017]

Summer Holiday Fun - Fashion Styling Never Stops!

Visiting An Exhibition In Birmingham! Always interested in the arts! 

My 20th Birthday Night In Berlin! [Left: Me, Right: Lauren]

German Fashion Magazines - Career Inspiration/Fashion Passion
Bryony x


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